
Friday, December 28, 2007


I never get blog comments. This may have something to do with the fact that nobody reads my blog, but lately I've gotten a few. And they are both this crap:

Hello I just entered before I have to leave to the airport, it's been very nice to meet you, if you want here is the site I told you about where I type some stuff and make good money (I work from home): here it is

Who would really click the link? Can I please have some real, nice people, non-spam comments? Please?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Scrumptious textiles

I like to knit and crochet a little. I'm no expert, but it's fun to do. I love textiles -- be it yarn or fabric.

I've only recently discovered my love for luscious, natural yarns. If you just go to a chain craft store, you're going to have to choose from mostly synthetic, mass-produced yarns. They are evenly spun, evenly dyed, and to me they lack personality.

Once I stepped foot in Village Wools, I realized I could never go back. Local yarns, exotic yarns, fat yarns, skinny yarns, alpaca yarns, wool yarns. And naturally, synthetics, too. All these yarns are beautiful, but also so much more expensive. I'm currently making myself a wide scarf/narrow shawl from an alpaca/silk blend and I think it's going to cost me $50 in supplies -- never mind the time it takes to knit it. This is why a hand knitted or crocheted item made with nice yarn will cost you a pretty penny.

I especially love bulky wool yarn. Thick and chunky, with plenty of personality. They hold up well when you use huge knitting needles. They knit up fast and look so snuggly. But even better are bulky WILD yarns, like this one I drooled over and finally bought:
The colors are so dreamy together.

I like when some parts are spun skinny and some are spun fat, like this, which I also want to buy from shop Hobbledehoy (click photo for link to item):


I am interested in learning how to spin yarn from roving, and also to hand paint it. Some beautiful, hand-painted yarns that I love include this one from etsy shop Jirbydesigns:


I hope that for my birthday I can get the gift of taking a spinning class at Village Wools, and maybe a dyeing class, too.

Caught up on picture-taking

I finally finished taking photos of the items I have for sale (not that there aren't always more coming up!). Here are my aprons.

This one is a gold-beige underskirt with a double-tier topping of chocolate lace:

This one is reversible, in a retro print. The front and back are in coordinating colors.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Everything I needed to know about New Mexico I learned from the movies, part II

Remember this post?

It was about how whenever my home state of New Mexico is featured in a movie, it's featured as some freaky, backwards place full of mutant murderous freaks? (I have to say that "Little Miss Sunshine" was successful at treating us as normal people, even if the movie's geography was on crack). See, the thing about being a New Mexican is that most of the country doesn't know you exist. The ones who do usually think we're part of Mexico and are surprised at how well we speak English. People in other countries know where N.M. is, but other Americans don't seem to. Then, when we finally get noticed, it's always for something bad, like teen pregnancy or kids who don't get enough to eat. But even those things are better than the movies make us out to be.

I wonder how things will change now that New Mexico is becoming a big player in the film industry. With the new Albuquerque Studios at Mesa Del Sol, south of Albuquerque, and the Rio Rancho Lions Gate location, along with all the state incentives, maybe filmmakers will start playing nice.

But until then, I'd like to complain about "The Hills Have Eyes." You see, if you've never been here, you need to know: All of N.M. is a desert with a couple of broken down gas stations with creepy toothless workers who are bound to set up a trap with the other creepy people in the area. They will kill you and eat you. Also, much of New Mexico is a nuclear test site wasteland, and therefore we are all mutant freaks. I, for one, am proud of my three eyes, so please stop making fun of me.

Bumble bee heaven

More stuff I was able to get photographed and finished up:


I posted the apron before, but since it went with the theme, I posted it again. All are available at Burst of Happiness, along with this:


Friday, December 21, 2007

Catching up with my life

Everything has been so hectic lately. Work is crazy because we're down so many people. Being a newspaper, we are working 365 days a year, so no guaranteed holidays off. I am pleased to have Christmas Day off this year, but I'm a busy bee working till then.

I had trouble getting to my sewing machine as much as I would have liked, but I sat down a week ago and spent hours cutting, cutting, cutting. Cutting out the fabric is the worst part. I hate it. But it does allow me to be able to sit down and sew a bunch of things quickly.

Here are a few things I've finished. I have several more aprons and bags, but I need to photograph them. I depend on the sun for good lighting, and it's been overcast a lot since Thanksgiving. To top it off, whenever we do get sun, it's been windy and my items try to blow over. This has gotten me a little behind on posting stuff for sale.

New things:




Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sewing challenge

I was approached by Albuquerque the Magazine to participate on a prom dress makeover project. Or maybe it's bridesmaid dresses. Or both.
I was given two dresses and asked to turn one into a handbag and the other into an apron.
I think this will be in the February/March edition.

The first dress was a casual Hawaiian print. It wasn't what I expected, and to be honest, I didn't feel very inspired by this fabric. I think it would make a fine men's Hawaiian shirt, but not much else. I wanted to make a bag like this one but much bigger -- like a casual beach tote. I didn't have enough fabric. It's really challenging when you have a garment with seams and slits and zippers and not just a big piece of fabric. In hindsight, I wish I'd considered a yoga mat bag. I don't know that I had enough fabric for that without having weird seams all over the bag, anyway.

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The second dress was exactly what I pictured: Big, poofy sleeves and everything. My mom wanted to get in on this project and she had some great ideas. We really utilized everything, including the existing neckline and the rosettes from the sleeves. OK, we did not utilize the puffy sleeves.

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I'll post more when the issue publishes. I'm sure their pictures will be much better, and I'm excited to see what other people did with their dresses.

Warm and cozy

Since the weather turned chilly, I have felt like knitting again. I am especially into making rosettes, though I have found that crocheting them is 10 times easier than knitting them. They are cute when attached to scarves or used as brooches on a coat or big sweater. I plan to make lots of them!

This scarf is knitted, with two crocheted rosettes:
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This is a fuzzy, cornflower blue rosette brooch:
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Available at Burst of Happiness.

9 bits of cuteness

I just finished a big holiday order for my friend Autumn. She picked all the fabrics, styles and details. I had so much fun with it because I really like to make different items every time. It's fun to see how they end up coming out.

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Orders available at Burst of Happiness.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Rear view

Fashion Tip:

If you're wearing a longish skirt with boots, and you figure you can get away with really high white knee socks that stick up over your boot tops because your skirt is long, please take note of whether your skirt has a slit. Because, you see, from the back we can all see your ugly white knee socks whenever you take a step. Yes, we all know your dirty secret, and it's awful.


Among terms that I hate: "Girly-girl"
As in, "I'm such a girly-girl!"

Do you mean you're female and you're feminine? Wow! That's crazy. It needs its own term, definitely.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Merry Christmas to myself

I was given a little mad money, and I splurged on this fabulous handbag I'd had my eye on for a long time. I know, I make handbags. But this is knitted. I know, I knit, too. But not this well. Please explain this to my husband. Then he will understand that I neeeeeeeeed this bag.

I bought it at Bandamy Boutique (Amy, she's based in San Jose. You should go find her. Find her! And buy lots of cute bags in person.)

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A few new aprons

Here are my two most recent aprons. The plaid one sold right away.

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The pink one I just completed. I LOVE it. It's pink and chocolate, first of all, which is a perfect combination. It's pleated and has little brown strips peeking out of the pleats. It's also reversible and has a little heart on that side.
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available at Babycakes Aprons, part of Burst of Happiness.

Duke City Renegades holiday show

The Duke City Renegades art guild had our group show last night, and I was really worried about attendance. For one thing, the weather has been blustery, and New Mexicans aren't used to dreary days. I, for one, tend to want to stay home when it's cloudy, rainy and windy.

Ren Adams spent a lot of time sending out press releases, and she even got a story done on us in the West Side Journal (part of the Albuquerque Journal).

I was pleased with my sales. My mom and I took our aprons, too, and people seemed to love them. We sold a total of four aprons and one bag, which is still the best show I've ever done. After some of the rough ones, I'm very pleased with that turnout!

Here are some pictures of my booth. It was held at an old warehouse that's been converted to art studios.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Come on down, and don't forget your wallet.

I'm part of an Albuquerque, N.M., artist/artisans group called the Duke City Renegades. We're renting out the Factory on Fifth art studios for a group show next Friday, Nov. 30. I wanted to do a post about it, and figured the easiest way for me to do it was to steal the words right off of Ren's blog:

Winter Arts & Crafts Show
presented by the Duke City Renegades Art Guild

Come on by the Factory and get a little holiday shopping time in!


The Duke City Renegades, a local arts & crafts guild, is hosting their first-ever winter art show.

You’ll find original paintings, art boxes, photography, designer purses & bags, crochet handicrafts, vintage-inspired jewelry, assemblage, beaded and hand-forged jewelry, and even recycled fashion clothing–all under one roof! A wide range of prices and items will give you something to talk about!

The show is indoors in the main Factory gallery building.

Friday, November 30th, 2007. 4 p.m. - 10 p.m.

At the Factory on 5th Art Space (in the main red brick factory building).
1715 5th St. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(between Aspen and Haines).

From I-40, take the 6th st. exit (one way, heading south), then make a left on Aspen and a left on 5th St. (one way, heading north). The Factory is on 5th St., right between Aspen and Haines.

Refreshments provided. Free parking.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


As if this cat video wasn't cute enough:

Someone had to go and do this translation to Human:

Monday, November 19, 2007

I told myself I wouldn't sew ...

I was going to NOT sew on my two days off last week, but I got antsy on the second night and whipped a few items up.

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I also made another of these, but this one is a bit smaller. The first one came out big in the waist.

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It matches the purse above, just in case anybody's into that.

I also made this for me recently, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I don't remember if I posted it yet:

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MEANWHILE, the holiday season has been great. I've had a lot of sales in the past week. Plus, I have an order for 9 bags.
Here are a few items that are gone:

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The ultimate guilt-tripper

I was trying to sew the other night and Roady would not stay off my chair. This means trying to sew with her either in my lap or squished behind me. I tried getting her her own chair next to mine, but every time I stood up, she'd snag my chair again. I kept tossing her down and telling her "no." Then I found her in this "tent" Mark made her, looking about as pathetic as possible and like she was freezing to death.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Cookin' food, lookin' fancy

Here are my most recent Lacy indeed.

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For those little jobs

Sometimes I am sitting around darning socks and such, and this little pincushion ring is very handy:

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I bought it from dottyral on

Friday, November 9, 2007

Ass kicked by a rodent

Remember this post from a few days ago?
Well, Roady apparently is no longer king of the mountain. She has been deposed by this squirrel. I have never seen a squirrel in my yard before, but this one has taken over "the spot."

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

New style

This is my latest style. All of my bags are pretty boxy, so I wanted to do something softer and different.

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