
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Duke City Renegades holiday show

The Duke City Renegades art guild had our group show last night, and I was really worried about attendance. For one thing, the weather has been blustery, and New Mexicans aren't used to dreary days. I, for one, tend to want to stay home when it's cloudy, rainy and windy.

Ren Adams spent a lot of time sending out press releases, and she even got a story done on us in the West Side Journal (part of the Albuquerque Journal).

I was pleased with my sales. My mom and I took our aprons, too, and people seemed to love them. We sold a total of four aprons and one bag, which is still the best show I've ever done. After some of the rough ones, I'm very pleased with that turnout!

Here are some pictures of my booth. It was held at an old warehouse that's been converted to art studios.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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