
Not F.A.Q.

I see frequently asked questions on other blogs. I guess those blogs have readers and stuff. Nobody asks me any questions, but that won't stop me from providing answers.

1. What kind of sewing machine do you use?
I use a Kenmore 385 something or other, and I love it. I also have a Brother serger that I am not too familiar with. Threading it is scary, so I try to be very nice to it. I got my Kenmore in 2004 and my serger a few years later. In 2011, I bought an old refurbished Singer to handle more heavy duty work.

sewing room

2. What is your studio like?

My "studio" is an awesome sewing cabinet shoved into a tiny space. I found it on Craigslist once for $90, AND they delivered it! It holds so much stuff that I believe it may be a magic cabinet. I have very little room, but I do have a window from which I can play nosy neighbor Gladys Kravitz.
I once had plans to have a carpenter come and build me a compact corner sewing station with hutch. I drew a picture, but, well, good thing I'm not an architect or something. Dimensions and scale are not my forte.

sewing room

organize,sewing room

3. What kind of camera do you use?
I know what you're really asking: "How do you take such crappy pictures?" I use whatever point and shoot piece of junk that's on sale at Costco whenever my previous camera breaks. Right now it's a Panasonic DMC-TZ4. It's got a fabulous all-or-nothing flash that either over or under exposes every picture I take. I cannot do those artsy pictures that focus on particular thing. I just get what it gives me.

4. As a New Mexican, do you pronounce "seven" as "saven" and "eleven" and "elaven" (with the "a" as in "apple")?

I do not. I make fun of people who do, though. I have heard outsiders say that New Mexicans have a certain accent. This is very disconcerting to me, as it cannot be a good thing.
Please note that I have a fun section of articles about Nuevo Mexico. If you have ever said, "I once drove through Albuquerque, but I didn't stop," you are among 10 million other people, in my experience. You should read them.

5. What crafts do you do, and how did you get started in them?

Most of my life, I could not have cared less about arts and/or crafts. Then, weeks before my 30th birthday, I had a sudden hankering to sew. I got everyone to pitch in on a sewing machine and I taught myself. I was immediately obsessed.
I have also studied a bit of fashion design at the Santa Fe Community College. It was just for the learning experience.
I took up knitting in January 2007, again, self-taught. I love knitting. I also learned how to dye and spin yarn, but I'm not as excited about those hobbies.
I am now a quilter, as well. Here is my first quilt, for my mother-in-law:


6. Why should I read your blog?
You shouldn't, probably. It's really not that interesting. I'm really excited that there are a few people who do bother to read it regularly. I used to at least mostly share crafts that I did, but now it's mostly pictures of my baby. In my defense, he's really cute and I believe everybody enjoys looking at him.

7. Your blog is called "Additional Jesus." Are you a religious nut?
No. I am not religious at all. But for some reason the term "the baby Jesus" always gets me giggling. If you want to know where my blog got its name, click here. I have nothing against Jesus, and I'm not hatin' on him. Please don't go getting offended. I believe God and Jesus have senses of humor and can take a little ribbin'.

(I had to repost this when I converted it to a page. The original post with comments can be found here.)