
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fix a torn sheet, ghetto style

Six years ago, we got a nice pair of sheets for our wedding. Somehow, we have reached a point where they are our only sheets, and we are broke because the stock market has gone to hell and our entire future is up in smoke. OK, so I'm only pretending to be as freaked out as my husband is. But he kept bugging me to fix the sheets, and I really didn't know what he expected me to do with them since the tear is right in the middle.

Because I hate mending jobs, I suggested we have a "gift party" for ourselves and tell people where we are registered. But he thought that was tacky. Hmmph. So off to the sewing room while the baby naps. 

I'm pretty sure nobody else on Earth wants sheets that look like this, but I'll post my tutorial anyway.

I decided that there was no invisible way to fix these, so I'd just find a way to keep them from tearing even more. I grabbed a few leftover squares from my Dream On Charm Pack (from which I made this quilt).

The squares were just the right size, so I didn't have to cut them. If you are using regular pieces of fabric, just use pinking shears to get a zigzaggy edge.

I needed to apply one on each side lined up just right, so I used quilt basting spray to temporarily attach one. Then I used a fabric marker to mark the corners, knowing that I'd be able to see the marks from the other side.

Then I flipped it over and used basting spray to attach the other square. This stuff isn't all that strong. It allows you to peel off and reposition if you want. I didn't want my squares to shift, so I added pins.

Then I did a wide but short zigzag stitch all the way around, almost like an applique. I actually stitched just inside the edge of the patches, but you could go right over the edge if you like.

And that's it! Hopefully, no more fingers will get caught on the hole and rip it further. Ghetto? Hells yes. But that's how we roll.

Bandelier, post-fire

We took a day trip up to the mountains to visit Bandelier National Monument here in New Mexico. The region was devastated by wildfire a few months ago. Much of the park was still closed, but we visited a few trails that were open. We took the scenic route up there, and it was interesting to see how the fire torched some areas and left others right in the middle of them completely untouched.

Then we stopped for pizza in a little town called White Rock. Brock was having a good time!

After this, we headed home. Brock barfed on himself and cried hysterically till we got him some fresh air and a new shirt. Then I hopped in back with him and it was a party all the way home.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kinda trippin'

A couple of years ago, our music writer at the paper asked my husband if he'd cover a Toby Keith concert for him. I'm not a big country fan, but we got a couple of tickets and headed down. And, frankly, if I'm going to listen to country, Toby Keith is all right. I also ended up liking Montgomery Gentry, the opening act. The show was at Journal Pavilion in Albuquerque (now called "The Hard Rock Casino Albuquerque Presents The Pavilion," which I still just call Journal Pavilion because I'm so sure I'm going to say all of that).

OK, so at some point they had a break early on and someone else took the stage. We were told they were filming something, but I didn't really pay attention to what. It was just a little annoying because the area in which we were seated was blocked off in the aisles and we couldn't come or go. We were close to the front.

Colin Farrell and Jeff Bridges in "Crazy Heart." 

Fast forward a few years and we finally got around to seeing "Crazy Heart," the Oscar-winning film starring Jeff Bridges, Colin Farrell and Maggie Gyllenhall. We were aware that it was filmed in New Mexico. And there was a concert scene where we said, "Oh, that must be Journal Pavilion!" Later, it had a thank you in the credits for Toby Keith and Montgomery Gentry and it dawned on me that this must have been what they were filming during the concert we were at. And since we were pretty close to the front, I thought that maybe we could be seen in the footage, but upon closer inspection, we could not.

Somehow I missed the announcement that that was Colin Farrell on stage (Mark remembers it, but didn't understand what was going on). If only I'd known, I swear I would have thrown my underwear at him or something. Phooey! Oh, yeah, and Jeff Bridges is pretty cool, too.

I thought I should post a little bit about this film, because it's a really good one. And I've written in the past about how movies always make New Mexico look really bad. I wouldn't say this one made us look like anything dagnab special, but it doesn't make us look like inbred cannibals either. Bonus!


P.S. More "Nuevo Mexico: It's not what you think" posts can be found here.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cake winner!

 The winner of the free bundt cakes for a year from Nothing Bundt Cakes was Steph.

There were a total of 21 comments, but two were repeats from people clarifying who they were, so I subtracted those from the total and did not count them in counting to the 18th comment.

Steph has been emailed and has 48 hours to respond or I'll draw a new winner!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Free cakes for a year!

Sorry, all. This is for local peeps only. If you live in Albuquerque, N.M., (or surrounding areas) read on!

Nothing Bundt Cakes is opening a branch here. Forget the cupcakes craze. I don't even like cupcakes, do you? No, bundt cakes are better. Perhaps it's the hole in the middle or the little ridges that make for perfect portioning. Maybe it's the fact that bundt cakes are usually drizzled in icing instead of drowning in frosting.

Nothing Bundt Cakes takes an old favorite and updates it with contemporary decorations. They are great for parties or surprising someone with a special treat. Selections range from single-serving Bundtlets to bundts that serve 18 to tiered cakes. There are cakes for all occasions.

I don't get anything for writing about this. I'm doing it for YOU! (But if I pick up a few followers who like to read about big-eyed babies named Brock, sewing and other various crafts, well, that would be awesome!) You, dear readers, can win a year's supply of cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes! That is one Bundtlet cake a month for one year. It's the perfect way to indulge without giving an entire cake the smackdown and having to pull out the fat jeans.

The new shop is opening in the shopping center at Wyoming and Academy, where Whole Foods is.

Grand opening celebrations include:

Wednesday, Aug. 17
  • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Ribbon-cutting with the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce and Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
Friday, Aug. 19
  • 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. – Animal Humane of Albuquerque Day, with 20 percent of all proceeds benefit the organization
Saturday, Aug. 20
  • 10 a.m. – First 50 customers to make a purchase receive free cake for a year (one free Bundtlet per month for 12 months)
  • Noon to 3 p.m. – Family Fun event featuring balloon art and face painting for the kids and benefiting Animal Humane of Albuquerque

On to the giveaway, then! In order to win free cakes for a year, all you have to do is leave a comment below on this post. Make sure you leave an email address or that your comment is linked to a blogger account with an email address available. Otherwise, I can't reach you! If you're someone I know through Facebook, that's good enough. Just make clear who you are and I'll contact you that way.

I'm sorry to say that this is only open to people in the Albuquerque area, because that's the only place this prize is redeemable. I will draw a winner on Friday, Aug. 19. I will post the winner on my blog, but if for some reason I can't reach you by email or get no response, I will draw a new winner 48 hours later. If the winner is for some reason out of state, I will draw someone new.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My brother and his family are in town from Maine. Maine to New Mexico. That's a long, expensive trip, so it's a rare one. We went to the zoo yesterday and had some fun. Brock had never met his cousins before, so he was thrilled. He had the time of his life rough-housing with them.

Left to right, Niece Julia, SIL Charity, brother Ryan, me in a doofy hat and my step-niece Ana

My sweet niece Julia

Ready to dodge monkey poo.

Brother Ryan and niece Julia.

Dorky hat AND a dorky smile! Go me! Oh, and my shirt ripped about 4 seconds before this shot, so I'm sort of pissed because I JUST GOT IT.

My nephew Hunter

Splash area for the kids. It was sooo hot, this felt great.

Playing nice for a minute.

The kids loved chasing peacocks. The peacocks, not so much.

My brother and my niece, Julia.

Brock running right in front of a lady in a motorized chair.