
Thursday, August 4, 2011

My brother and his family are in town from Maine. Maine to New Mexico. That's a long, expensive trip, so it's a rare one. We went to the zoo yesterday and had some fun. Brock had never met his cousins before, so he was thrilled. He had the time of his life rough-housing with them.

Left to right, Niece Julia, SIL Charity, brother Ryan, me in a doofy hat and my step-niece Ana

My sweet niece Julia

Ready to dodge monkey poo.

Brother Ryan and niece Julia.

Dorky hat AND a dorky smile! Go me! Oh, and my shirt ripped about 4 seconds before this shot, so I'm sort of pissed because I JUST GOT IT.

My nephew Hunter

Splash area for the kids. It was sooo hot, this felt great.

Playing nice for a minute.

The kids loved chasing peacocks. The peacocks, not so much.

My brother and my niece, Julia.

Brock running right in front of a lady in a motorized chair.

1 comment:

  1. Wow it is amazing our kiddies have turned one. It has been hard at times but also rewarding everytime he smiles at me. We are soooo lucky!


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