
Friday, August 7, 2009

Multi-colored alouette

A French reader informed me after a recent post that alouette is a type of bird. I'm sure it looks nothing like the bird in this post, but that word sure is fun to say.

It also made me want to see what the song was about (see this post). Well, it is quite disturbing actually. It's about plucking the feathers off of a poor bird.

The following information is from wikipedia, the source of all truths. The last line is the best. I started off making it blue, so it would stand out. But I think red is a more appropriate color:

Alouette, gentille Alouette
Skylark, nice skylark
Alouette, je te plumerai
Skylark, I shall pluck you
Je te plumerai la tête
I shall pluck your head
(Je te plumerai la tête)
(I shall pluck your head)
Et la tête
And your head
(Et la tête)
(And your head)
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Alouette, je te plumerai
Je te plumerai le bec
I shall pluck your beak
(Je te plumerai le bec)
Et le bec
(Et le bec)
Et la tête
(Et la tête)

The song continues in this fashion, with the italicized phrase (a part of the bird) in each verse being substituted with a new one, with the previous items being recited at the end:

  • Et le cou
And your neck
  • Et le dos
And your back
  • Et les ailes
And your wings
  • Et les pattes
And your legs
  • Et la queue
And your tail
  • Et la coeur
And your heart
  • Et les poumons
And your lungs
  • Et la cerveau
And your brain
La Conclusion
The Ending


Alouette, gentille Alouette
Skylark, nice skylark
  • 'Tu est un torse saignant
You are a bloody torso

Oh. My. God. I don't even plan these posts. Seriously, I just start typing and weird things come out. I'm like, "Oh, I think I'll go Google this sweet song about a bird with a pretty name."

OK, so let's pretend that alouettes are happy and pretty and have all their feathers. And that they are brown and red and blue. Here's one now!

embroidery,vintage,thrift store

I embroidered a vintage dresser scarf for my Grandma's birthday. I am new to embroidery, so I'm really proud of this bird. I tried to make it look like feathers. I added a few flowers to the sides and some curlicues.

embroidery,vintage,thrift store

embroidery,vintage,thrift store

embroidery,vintage,thrift store


  1. As a French, I had a good laugh remembering this cruel song that I learned when I was little! Your alouette is beautiful!

  2. Snort! beautiful embroidery aside...I will think of you every time I hear that song, or even the tune w/o the words!

    Are your ears ringing? I was speaking of you (w/o mentioning your name) in a blog post today. I will not post a picture of my nasty toe-nail-less toe because I am afraid you will get hurt. I remember how squeamish you said you are!


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