
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Uptown Coat

I was really excited about this project. I really like the patterns by Favorite Things. This one is no exception. I spent a lot of time selecting just the right fabric (the fabric line is called Porcelina), but I must admit that I'm not so sure I love it.

Sorry for the bad photos. The jacket still needs delinting, pressing and to have the marking pen removed. I'm also in my PJs and in no position to model right now. I'll photograph it outside with a proper outfit in the next few weeks.

Favorite Things,sewing

It's still pretty darn cute, in my opinion, and it gives me a reason to look forward to a chill in the air.

(blurrrrryyyy. I suck.)
Favorite Things,sewing

I liked the colors in these fabrics. Cheerful yet fall.

Favorite Things,sewing

The lining is an eggplant color. I also used a cotton batting as an interliner, for a bit more warmth.

Favorite Things,sewing

I'm going to discuss my opinion on this pattern, since I was unable to find anybody else's reviews on it before starting.

1. I felt it ran a little bit big. I may remake this in a wool fabric I thrifted, but I'll cut it a size smaller.

2. Most of the pattern was really easy to do and everything fit together really nicely. This is why I like Amy Butler and Favorite Things patterns; they always seem to avoid the overly fussy and the pieces really come together nicely.

3. I only had problems at the end, when I had to attach the lining. It explained 90 percent of this process, but left out what to do at the bottom of the coat where the lining was shorter than the outer jacket. It took me quite a while to come up with a way to finish it nicely. I also didn't really get the hem instructions -- you're supposed to hem both the jacket and lining before attaching them together. I ended up slip stitching them together for a nicer finish at the very end.

4. It never discussed the buttons or buttonholes. The only reason this mattered was that there are six buttons on the front panel, but as it turns out, only three buttonholes. But I had to examine the drawing to figure that out. At first I wasn't sure if there should be six buttonholes. In the end, I thought it seemed pretty obvious from examining the drawing and the pattern pieces, but it could have been mentioned in the instructions just to be extra clear.

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