
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sucked in to the dark vacuum of used bargains

I wanted to sew today, my day off. And I will, but it's now nearly 6 p.m. and I haven't started. That's because try as I might, I can't stay away from thrift stores and antique shops. Yep, I went back to "Antique Mile" today.

While all the old-houses-turned-vintage-shop locations are quaint and charming, the air-conditioning is bad to nonexistent. Considering the 100+ heat wave we're having here, I about died. I was forced to stop for a hamburger, fries and Coke at Blake's Lotaburger on the way home. It cured me.

Anyway, I did buy a set of four embroidered napkins, but no picture of those today.

Here are my thrift store finds:

A ceramic, handmade lemon juicer for $3.99. I'm always wishing I had a lemon juicer. The bottom is carved with "M Bennett." I wonder who that is.

thrift store

And a giant bag of thread, also $3.99. I needed to go buy gray thread today anyway, and probably would have spent half as much on that one that I spent on this whole bag. I know old thread can be bad, but most of this looks really new.

thrift store

Plus, there's gray thread in there.

Finally, remember that embroidered cloth with cats on it that was unfinished and I asked what to do with it? I think I'll cut it in half and hem, and make two napkins out of it. In the meantime, a certain real-life kitty has made herself quite at home on that kitty-cat linen.


1 comment:

  1. I LOOOOOOVE thrift store skulking. LOVE. IT. Unfortunately, I'm practically diagnosable as a hoarder. I bought the world's smallest house so now all I get to do is look, and wish.


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