
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

When you lose your self-esteem

Two projects not going so well.

1. My Soldier's Sweater from "Runway Knits." Yes, the one I've been working on since October. I am minutes from finishing it, but it's apparent I have to undo some of it. I had finished the whole sweater (nevermind that it's incredibly small and will barely fit, or that spring weather is here so I can't wear it) and all I had to do was pick up stitches around the front and neck and knit a 2" band. Part of the band is then cast off, and the part that isn't is knitted across the front of the sweater and attached to the other side.
The instructions said to pick up 124 stitches along the sides, but my sides are only 64 rows long. So I don't even have enough stitches to pick up. I guess I'll have to go into the fronts and backs of stitches or something. What happened was that I didn't pick up enough and thought it wouldn't matter much. It does matter because the band is too tight and is puckering up the sweater in a nasty way.
Undoing the band isn't a huge deal, since the band is added after the fact and it won't mean worrying about unraveling too far. But I am terribly sick of this sweater and don't feel like touching it for a while.

knitting projects, sweater,Runway Knits

Original pattern photo:

knitting projects, sweater,Runway Knits

2. I'm ready to freehand quilt the baby quilt, but decided to practice on my class project place mat. It's much harder than I expected. My curlicues look bad, and sometimes out of control. My hands hurt from trying to control the fabric. My tension is screwy. It's all just not good.



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