
Tuesday, March 17, 2009


My quilt for the quiltalong is coming along quite nicely! I'm moving ahead of the group because I'm making it for my mother-in-law's birthday this weekend. I was off work today because I worked for someone who needed off last Friday and he worked for me today. I managed to sew all of my 36 blocks.

I'm a little nervous about my fabric choice, but I need to lay it all out and do the sashing. Then I'll be able to see what's going on with it. The sashing will be white. I hope to do that tomorrow before work and then on Wednesday before work I'll prepare the back and make the quilt sandwich. Thursday I can quilt it and Friday I can bind it. Phew!


This is a picture of just one of the blocks, and it's the simplest block. There are all kinds of other blocks in the same fabrics. I'll post the quilt top in the next few days.


My new knitting project is a secret because it's a gift. I don't like secret projects because what I'm working on is practically all I have to talk about on here. But I think the person occasionally looks on here and will know it's something they wanted.


I believe I previously professed my love for the Nine Pillowcase Quilt. I have been hunting for vintage sheets, and had some success at the nearby Savers thrift store. A Goodwill I stopped by did not have any selection at all. Unfortunately, once I re-examined her version, I saw that her sheets were pretty colorful, and then were sashed with white. Most of my sheets have a lot of white in them with some colored flowers here and there. It's all I really came across. I did find one or two with more bold color. I looked on eBay, but I see that there's a market for vintage sheets and they aren't exactly cheap on there. Then I found this Flickr group where you can swap pieces of vintage sheets. You have to offer some and then you can order some. Most of the people seem to be in New Zealand, but they were kind enough to ship to the U.S. Basically, it costs me nothing unless someone wants some of my sheets, then I pay the shipping.
I requested some with blues/purples. Here's what I have right now.


Normally, I'd think that old sheets that some stranger had been using for decades are disgusting. I'm not sure why suddenly they appeal to me. The first thing I do, though, is wash them on hot, hot water!


  1. oooyeah, lots of things could be on those sheets. You know you can throw in a capful of chlorine bleach and it will kill the uglies without doing a thing to the color-fastness of the sheets. 'Tis true. Bleach is my BFF. Did I mention that I am married to a lobsterman???

  2. I love the colors of you Mod quilt.


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