
Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's 2, 2, 2 times the Jesus!

The other night, Mark and I were watching a movie his sister was in called "Magdalena: Released From Shame." (That's his sister, Rebecca Ritz, in blue on the Web site.) At the end, we were watching the credits and -- oh, wait! I forgot to tell you what it said at the beginning. As the movie started, it announced that Jesus was played by an actor. Back to the credits -- it had a credit for Jesus, then it had a credit for additional Jesus. I don't know what that means, but for some reason it's pretty funny to me.
At the exact same moment, Mark and I looked at each other and said, "Additional Jesus. That sounds like a band name!"

I don't have a band, but I have a blog. Additional Jesus, I've named it after you. I picture you as being the lonely younger brother of Jesus. The one who always gets picked last for everything and never gets any of the glory. And you're probably the fun one, am I right? You sing karaoke and tell great jokes and love to go TP houses? Here's to you, additional son of God.


  1. Hey, that sounds like the name of a band.

  2. mwahahahahhaaaa! additional jesus, for the win!
    i love it!

  3. Years ago I met a priest who was leaving the church, I wish that I could remember his name. His job had been to translate ancient manuscripts like the Nag Hammadi. He was leaving because he had read one particular document that took hold of his imagination. It said that Jesus had a twin sister. This priest thought yes! this explains so much because if God (a neuter being) become flesh there would have to be both a male and a female aspect. The church didn't agree so he left. I always expected him to write a book but have never seen one. Anyway, this is a long way of suggesting that perhaps your additional Jesus is a woman.

  4. I love the female-Jesus-twin concept! Makes total sense to me! I have a t-shirt that shows a Nativity scene drawing from a distance away -- Star of Bethlehem, shining above, etc. The exclamation above the manger reads, "It's a girl!". Love that too. I wear it when I need reminding or want to proclaim my nature as beloved child of God as well. :-)

  5. I have been looking for that t-shirt with the manger and it says "its a girl". I can't find it anywhere - where did you get yours?

  6. God is not a neuter being. He is male and female. He created us in His image. Also, I'm so sorry no one has shown you the love of Christ. There is a serious amount of confusion about who He is. Truth is rarely portrayed by Hollywood.

  7. I was a Christian for many years. I am so much happier now that I am not.

  8. Love the name! And the Buddy Jesus picture. Classic!

    Thanks for signing up at Blogtroting!

  9. Be careful about what you take so lightly. Don't ever take the Name of God in Vain... Whether People Accept it or not, the Name of Jesus is the name above all names, and I've seen demons tremble at His name. So please change your banner. It's better to be less cocky and lose your temporary fame than to allow your Creator's name to be put low.

  10. I would love to see some demons trembling at His name.... In the meantime, I will be a happy non-crazy Christian who can appreciate a some humor.
    Poor unappreciated Additional Jesus. lol I bet he has a serious inferiority complex.

  11. I love Christ. Its (some) Christians I hate.

  12. I know the perfect catchy theme song...try, "Jesus' Brother, Bob" by the Arrogant Worms? (I'm just a fan) It's a ditty sung by older brother Bob himself, who's a little bitter about his obscurity!
    The refrain goes:
    Jesus' brother, Bob,
    Jesus' brother, Bob,
    a nobody relative
    of the Son of God.
    If only I'd been born
    just a little sooner
    I'd be known as
    the brother of God Junior!"

    It's on YouTube :}

  13. LOL, that was quite a statement. I LOVE CHRIST , it's Christians I hate.( SAY WHAT ?? !!)
    Well hun, if you really LOVED CHRIST, you would NOT hate your brother/ Sister ! so perhaps some reading of CHRIST'S words would be appropriate for you ..:-)

  14. I love the blog name, not just because I am an atheist, but because it is hilarious! Philip Pullman's book "The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ" retells the Jesus story as if he had a mischievous twin brother named funny.

  15. Some people get so serious -- it is a blog name, cool your jets people.  Even if she was creating a new religion based on Additional Jesus, she would have a right to do that as well -- freedom of speech and religion -- welcome to America where it is my right to not have to agree with you or believe the same things as you.

  16. Let me start out by saying that I'm Catholic (the fun Christians). What I find hilarious is that so many of these so-called Christians forget this Bible verse: Judge not, that ye be not judged. And, it's lesser known cousin: Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. I guess that they just read the verses that allow them to judge and be superior to others....maybe they have that super popular Bible: "Hypocritical Edition, subtitled: Advocated by Satan to always bite you in the rear by that wonderful sin, Pride".

    Anywho, I think the name is funny. I really hope that Additional Jesus had his own casting chair. I can just picture him sighing as he has to get up. "Additional Jesus--go and relieve the real Jesus on the cross!" If only it would have been that easy, eh?

  17. Also, one other thing, how does Anonymous "know" who God is? God could be Station. You don't know. No one knows. You can guess, you can research, you can wish, you can think...but you don't know. I hope that High Horse is comfy though.

  18. Thanks for your message -- and also for having a sense of humor!

  19. Jesus would love it! I am absolutely sure God has a sense of humor...just look at the human race!


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