
Thursday, July 26, 2007

New name, for a while

I have changed my blog's name for a while. It's very clever. You see, it's called Robyn's Nest, and my name is Robyn. Get it? Like the bird robin, who has a nest, only spelled like my name? Get it? I've been quite fond of birds' nests lately. I also made that nifty logo in Photoshop. I was going for the "4-year-old-drew-it look."

In honor of robins, here are some things I think are super cute:

I am massively in love with robin's nest jewelry. Check out these necklaces by Relish Dress:

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and this one from Adorn Jewelry:

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I also love this ring by Moxie Rings:

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And this teeny-tiny pin cushion that holds maybe 3 pins by Robin's Bird Nest:

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Lil Fish Studios makes this pin:
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Or, if you're feeling extravagant, this brooch by Wired:
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And, finally, I just really like this birdy, though it's not a robin. It is the color of robin eggs though and it's made by Rain's End:

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