
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Don't call it "purple"

Decades ago, my best friend and I decided that we hated purple. A few years back, I saw that she was wearing purple and I couldn't believe she betrayed me in that way. She admitted she liked purple now.

A few years ago, my sister-in-law gave me a lavender sweater. At first I thought, "Oh, no. Purple!" But I realized I really liked it. I love it, actually. Since then, I've decided I quite like lavender. I still don't like dark purple, though.

Here's my first completed knitting project:
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Not too bad, for a beginner. At one point, I had several mistakes, but I kept going. They were big holes, actually. My coworker, Gwynne, helped me rip out about 6 inches of work and get all the stitches back on the needle. I'm glad she did, because my completed scarf has no mistakes that I know of. It could be a few inches longer, though.

Here's my next project. The yarn is dreadfully hard to work with, but I'm hoping to pull it off. It will also be a scarf:
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1 comment:

  1. It's lovely. Wish I could knit.

    I hate purple and yellow together.ugh!

    Happy belated birthday:)


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