
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Guess who is 2?

The Baby Brock is not a baby anymore! He's 2 now, and boy did those terrible twos hit right on schedule! He totally embarrassed me at IHOP yesterday when I met up with a friend, and he's been having some nasty tantrums.

We also have a bit of a problem with biting and scratching. 99.9% of the time it's done in play but today I'd say was the first time he did it because he was mad at me. He also gets a little rough when playing with kids. He's having a good ol' time, but they don't think the pushing or biting is so much fun. I'm not entirely sure what to do about this because nothing has been effective so far. I really hope he outgrows it soon, but meanwhile, I'm open to suggestions!

Here are some pictures from his birthday:

Sunday, July 8, 2012

High in the sky

We went to Phoenix last month on our first trip with Brock. I put all these pictures on here and forgot to publish the post! Poor Brock didn't sleep well away from home, so it was sort of rough. He did go nuts for the airplane, though! Sorry the third picture seems to have a mind of its own.

I was having trouble with the photos in this post, so I apologize for the lack of captions. But in the second picture, Brock saw a "beeb," or bird preening itself above the window and was so incredibly excited.