
Friday, June 24, 2011

Walking (sort of) and talking (sort of)

Little Brocky, where has my fat baby gone? He sat on his ample tush for so long, and then BOOM, he took off and never stopped moving again, except to sleep (which he does like a pro).

The rolls of fat on his sumo thighs have melted away. I think I'm going to try this weight loss routine. Crawl, pull self up, sit down, crawl, pull self up, cruise, repeat infinitely.

Here's a video of him trying to balance without holding on, and just maybe a mini-step:

And one of him yakking away:

Brock's birthday party is just weeks away. I'm excited and shocked all at the same time. My co-worker made these a-w-e-s-o-m-e invitations for me:


And some Brocktopus pics:

Lonely singer/songwriter:


52-card pickup:


Eating rocks:


Happy boy:


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Well, he's all grown up.

Brock took his time enjoying just being a bump on a log. But now, the shackles have been released, and the Tiny Tornado has been unleashed.


Brock is on the move. He's been on the move since the day he turned 10 months, I just don't blog often enough. It was like, nothing ... nothing ... nothing ... crawl/stand/pull up/cruise-all-at-once.

This kid is so much fun. He's always happy. He's good-natured. He's all smiles and silly sounds (uh, no "mama" yet, but swear to God, he said "Albuquerque" a bunch of times the other night. Probably can't spell it yet, though). He sleeps like a dream, har har. Seriously, kid sleeps 11-12 straight hours at night, then takes two 2-2.5 hour naps in the day.

He's an amazing little angel, and I can't believe I was so blessed to have this particular baby land in my belleh.

Brock will be 11 months old on the 13th. Can you believe it's time to plan his birthday!?!!?

Here's a little video of him shaking his booty.