
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bad hair days

It seems that on Additional Jesus, when it rains posts, it pours posts. I guess that's not bad after the drought this blog has been suffering. I get a few minutes and get to writing.

So, Brock is well-known for his crazy hair. He's got quite a puff on his head. Or, he did. I thought it was getting a bit out of hand, so I wanted to get his hair cut.


But Mark thought that was a waste of money. So when I was at work one night, he cut it himself. How hard can it be, right? You just cut straight across the bangs, right? And it looks good, right?


Um. Oops.

He looked super-dorky, you guys. I noticed it the next day when I got up. I couldn't stop laughing at him. It was crooked and had long pieces that were missed entirely. Oh, Lordy. I tried to fix it up, and for the most part did.

This is after a little work, but still dorky:


It doesn't look like my kid to me!!

But a little mousse and a comb, and he's stylin.


And fat. Did I mention FAT? I'm so proud. He gets those thighs from me!


That's Brock at 7 months.

A gift for my Brocky Boy

I was visiting Emily's blog, So Much for My Plans, and saw this adorable quilt that she made. I hope she doesn't mind that I posted it here.

Emily's quilt

It appeals to me because my sewing time is limited and it's just made with a charm pack, or pre-cut squares. No cutting = saving a lot of time. It's simple and beautiful. And I'm a copy cat, so I'm making one for Brock as a gift, maybe for his first birthday.

I'm using the Max & Whiskers collection from Moda.


I'll keep you posted! I'm excitedly watching the mailbox for my fabrics.

The new American Idol: Mark?

Yes, we are unabashed American Idol fans. I told myself I was done with it, though. After all the judge swaps, I wasn't sure I'd like it. Plus, it is so many hours a week of watching time, I felt I wouldn't have time with the baby and working evenings three nights a week.

But here I am.

There's a kid named Robbie Rosen, and every time I see him, I say, "Mark! It's you when you were younger!"

So, here you go. See for yourself.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My new-but-really-old Singer

I have a new family member to introduce you to! It's my new Singer, which is older than I am.

sewing room

I got it from eBay Singerman12, who fully refurbishes and tests the machines he sells. It's adorable and tiny and extremely heavy. That's because it is made of all metal, in a they-sure-don't-make-'em-like-the-used-to kind of way.

sewing room

It's an industrial strength machine, which means it can handle thick, heavy fabric in a way my Kenmore can't.

sewing room

It's basic. It can only do a straight stitch. It came with lots of presser feet to do gathering, piping, zippers, etc., but no zig-zag, overcast or blind hem. But that's fine, because I can use my Kenmore for that. I was having some trouble doing free-motion quilting because the fabric was catching on the face plate. Then I noticed the metal was all chewed up, I guess from the needle striking it. The sewing machine repair shop said it was from sewing too-heavy fabric and forcing it through, thus bending the needle slightly out of whack.

Now I can get my Kenmore fixed up and use my Singer for heavy-duty work!

My Grandma

My grandma is going to be 90 this summer. She's always been healthy as a horse. My grandpa, that was a whole 'nother story. He had everything wrong with him, and maybe the fact that my grandma had to do everything and take care of everyone is what kept her strong and healthy.

She still lives alone and takes care of herself.

Until Tuesday evening, when she went outside to do something. She fell and cut up her head, and she broke her hip and pelvis several times. It was freezing out, and just after dark.

What did she do? She crawled. She could only use one leg. And did I mention she's about to turn 90? That's right. For a 90-year-old to crawl any distance at all would be hard. To do it with multiple bone breaks, the use of only one leg and a head wound, well, I can't even imagine.

But she's a tough cookie, and after some time out in the cold night, she made it into her house and called for help.

She's doing surprisingly well. She's alert and already had surgery and is doing physical therapy. She's in good spirits. Of course, we don't know what this means for her future or if she'll be able to recover enough to go home and live alone again. But I thank God that she had the strength to get inside. She would have likely frozen to death out there.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Brain sucking

I haven't posted many craft items lately, so I figured it was time. I hadn't knitted since I was pregnant, but my niece requested this hat, and it was a nice, quick knit.


It's a Chain Chomp from Super Mario Bros.


She's 10, but I needed a model, and Brock didn't mind having his head munched for a minute.


Pattern can be found here.


And here is what a Chain Chomp looks like:


Hope you like your naked guys soft and squishy!


I love the shamelessness of a nekkid baby! They love being that way and feel no embarrassment. It's beautiful.


Brock is almost 7 months old. He's sitting up strong and also standing strong, but only if I hold him.


He seems to be having a lot of cozy play-in-jammies kind of days lately with the freezing weather!


Well, tomorrow (Monday) is my birthday! I'm 37. What the heck?!